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Despite considerable progress in expanding access to "improved" water sources over the past several decades, it is estimated that roughly one billion people still receive water that does not meet international standards for safety.

Aquatabs® are the world’s leading water purification tablets. They are effervescent tablets which kill micro-organisms in water to prevent cholera, typhoid, dysentery and other water-borne diseases. With nearly 40 years of experience in responding to disasters around the world, we are well-positioned to help with any crisis

Aquatabs® work with key international NGOs to reduce suffering during human and natural disasters and provide low-cost, long-term sustainable water purification systems where needed.

We are the only European Company to have successfully passed the new 3-part soil test for Clostridium difficile spores & TB in 4 minutes* Using our disinfectant tablets to disinfect water on farms aid livestock growth, and surface disinfection helps protect livestock from disease.

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