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Tailwind Nutrition




It all began when my buddy Art suggested I pick an event and train for it. Never having raced before, I picked the Leadville 100 MTB. Go big or go home, right? I finished that first Leadville 100 and headed straight for the trash can, purging the muesli that had been with me all day. Fed up with fueling issues hijacking the blood, sweat and tears of my training, I wanted to find nutrition that spared my gut, was easy to use, tasted good, and would fuel me to the finish line - minus the breakfast, part deux.

I started devouring everything I could find about sports nutrition and how the body processes fuel. I quickly realized most products contained ingredients that were hard to digest, so I began experimenting with batches of powder formulated to match the way the body absorbs fuel. After a lot of tweaking and testing on the trails here in Durango along with my wife, Jenny, and the local Thursday Bike n’ Beer group, Tailwind was born. A drink that’s easy on the stomach, maintains consistent energy levels, balances electrolytes and hydration, and tastes good even on a long, hot day. A couple of years later, I teamed up with my ole buddy Art (now our R&D Director!) who happens to be an endurance athlete and physician, to create our Recovery Mix.

Tailwind Nutrition’s mission has remained at the forefront of what we do ever since an email arrived from Lisa. She had dropped out of seven endurance mountain biking races because of stomach issues. She wrote that she had finished the Shenandoah Mountain 100 using Tailwind, with no issues. She broke down crying at the finish line, realizing what she had achieved, and no longer fearing that it could never be done.

That’s what Tailwind is about. We help customers reach their goals, big or small. We're behind you all the way. We wouldn’t be here without customers like you, and remind ourselves of that every day. We still write our customer’s name on every bag we ship and include a note. Thanks for making our journey an amazing one!

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